Reflections from our Retreat

Last month I co-facilitated the Multi Dimensional Healing Retreat with Dr Carol Haddad, and WOW WOW WOW!
I am completely humbled by witnessing the grace and effortless unfolding of such a sacred and healing space.
For 5 days, Dr Carol and myself, along with other heart centred Earth Angels, held time and space as everyone was gifted the opportunity to explore how they were showing up in their worlds and discovering how the premise – the sacred nature of dis-ease – plays out in their reality.
Here are my reflections from retreat ………
You could feel the grounding energy of the land and mountains of Mapleton tenderly holding us and the open expansive space of Woody Grove embracing us with open arms.
The sacred container of retreat had begun!
🌊The theme of water was set when Janadamarra acknowledged the land and shared his wisdom and knowing through his powerful presence. He commands the quality of deep deep listening and invites you to arrive in the space where you are. You become his family in this moment. He shared about our yearning for harmony as a collective and to be internally symbiotic. Our own eco system may be fluid like water or become stagnate if we attach too heavily to our identity.
πŸ™Each morning we were awakened with gentle yoga from the gorgeous Erin Lee, whose eyes twinkle with joy, compassion and courage and her deep awareness of the body is shared as she guides you through the practice so you may connect to your sacred space as you move.
✍️ Illusions and separation lifted as we experienced an RTT hypnosis by my sister in Joy Suzie De Jonge. She shared her story of Untangling through the power of writing, and how it is never too late to live your dreams. She demonstrates this so beautifully. Shedding continued as Sound Medicine with Francis bathed us in the vibrational healing sound of Gongs, tuning forks and Yidaki. His strength and humility are a powerful combination.
πŸ«›We were nourished with the most delicious organic vegan menu from @Claude’s Food (oh my, the ecstasy slice was sooooo amazing!) and fear and tension melted away with the most wonderful massages, thank you Michele and Teagan for your soothing touch and healing hands.
πŸ’– We gathered and shared our truths about leadership, perpetual habits, divine intolerance and any guards we may place around the heart, in the belief of keeping ourselves safe and small.
πŸ¦‹ Breakthrough after breakthrough was received, arriving at the space of nothing real can be threatened and nothing unreal exists. Only LOVE is real.
πŸ™Œ And yes the theme of water continued to weave through each moment as the purifying rain showered us and we bathed in the healing watering hole of Kondalilla Falls. Thank you Laurel for your vision and wisdom shared from the ancestors of the land about the healing properties of this space for women.
πŸ’« The power couple Troy & Bec held a transformational breath work session inviting everyone to a space of liberation and freedom, and what lies on the other side of fear when you surrender and let go. This is always so powerful as time lines are collapsed so effortlessly.
πŸ’œ Graceful Hayley the Harpist and I shared our Healing Harp and Restorative Yoga Immersion on the last night, a nurturing of the nervous system, a space to relax so everyone could integrate their learnings of what they received, and share this out into their worlds. An incredible completion of the retreat.
πŸ₯° So many blessings were received, and the ripples of impact go beyond what our eyes can see or what we believe has occurred, or even my reflections here.
In between all of these amazing earth angels sharing their gifts, Carol and I weave this healing frequency of space, love, openness, trust and peace, so you may experience this deeper version calling you.
🩷 This is your prescription to sacred medicine. 🩷
πŸ”₯ The theme for next year has already begun and we believe it is the element of Fire! So if you are ready to fully ignite and walk through your own fire by claiming the most loving, powerful expression of yourself and embodying your truth, let’s have a conversation and we may explore this deeper connection with you.
🌸With Love in deep deep gratitude from my overflowing heart xx

Thank you to all of the amazing souls who came in to infuse their energy into the retreat. So many blessings were received in all the spaces in between!

So …….. Dr Carol and I are intuitively guided to share this space with you once more in November 2024 xx

Dr Carol Haddad has been on her own journey of awakening for several years. From her personal experience she has learned that great shifts can occur instantaneously and through the power of being held in unconditional love. Gone are the days of suffering being a requisite for growth. Through being held in unconditional love, Carol has now developed her own way of holding space for truth and awareness to unfold organically and for instantaneous transformation to occur. From a background in conventional medicine and learning the utility of integrative care she now invites those affected by dis-ease to embrace the variety of cosmic intelligence available. Coming into her gifts as a multidimensional Healer, Carol is passionate and inspired to share all that she has learned and to inspire the same evolution in others

For more about Dr Carol, please visit
Dr Carol Haddad- Integrative Oncologist Practicing Functional

Sami tenderly holds you in a space of love allowing you to transform your life creating clarity, calm, presence and space so you can discover the real you, your infinite essence. As you connect to your higher soul and discover you are β€˜love no matter what’ old paradigms are broken down, long held self limiting beliefs are dissolved and confusion cleared. Sami holds a deep inner knowing that we are more than our physical body and create the whole of our reality, with love and wisdom. She intuitively heals through the modalities of Pranic Healing, Restorative Yoga and Coaching healing the whole of YOU. All of Sami’s life experiences have exquisitely qualified her to support and inspire you in your life so you may heal physically, emotionally, energetically and spiritually – by remembering your whole self, a multidimensional being. 

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