Taking the First Step...

Over the years, I have found that Pranic Healing has a dramatic impact on people’s lives. Just as potent is our sharing in conversation, the letting go, with deep dive intent, which create the shifts, transformation and results clients are seeking.
Because I have received tremendous expansion through my Personal Coach and understand the power of retreats, and what is birthed from these spaces, I’d love to be able to share in your expansion with an invitation into a unique coaching experience.

Self Love comes up time and again as one of the blocks many of us have been challenged with over the years and because of this I have felt to create an experience integrating, Energy Healing & ongoing Coaching support and guidance to dissolve any blocks or self sabotage, allowing you to anchor in your loving essence into the world. 

Healing isn’t about learning something new - it is about unlearning what we know and unravelling all old beliefs and thought forms we have created.

Love No Matter What

Love No Matter What, is to be uncompromising in your own skin. 

Energy WILL shift! 

Allowing you to remember who you are. As you evolve so will your loved ones and circumstances, even more than you can imagine. Every experience creates space for transformation and expansion. When you wholeheartedly own and feel comfortable in who you are, miracles arise naturally for you and others, continuing the ripple of love.

When you step into into a deeper alignment within, your external world and experiences reflect this divine quality. Turning your wounds into wisdom ……..creating a greater freedom, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. No longer will you play from lack or fear. 

Ultimately – You are ready to shine your light!

Ultimately – You are ready to experience real freedom and step out of your comfort zone!

Ultimately – You are ready to evolve, discover & tap into your own soul & wisdom!

Ultimately – You are ready to create the whole of your reality!

The Intelligence of the Universe is Love itself.

Your Whole Commitments

We do not enter into these programs lightly, let’s face it …. There are areas in our lives to see, own and love for them to be released. Unravelling beliefs and paradigms we have conditioned ourselves to requires SPACE and LOVE. Love No Matter What is centred around gifting you the space to process, heal and open with courage so you may receive more than your hearts desire.

Your Sacred Contract commences the moment you say YES to you ……..

'The longest journey we make this lifetime is from the head to the heart'

Who is this program for?

Liberating you from the space of not good enough, or worthy to receive or confused in your purpose or which direction to turn, this loving infusion will systematically connect you deeper within allowing you to be more present by uncovering your true BEING. This next version of YOU. As you learn to love yourself from the inside out, your heart and light will attract more joyful and abundant experiences, embodying all you intend ……… and more than you can imagine! Love has bigger plans than the one we believe we make. 

The answers are always inside, it is in learning and experiencing the courage to trust ourselves where we can share this expansion with others

"Just had a very transformational session with Sami Howard! I have been seeing Sami since September last year, and since then I have been overwhelmed with the help, support and the inner transformation that I've experienced in each and every meeting with her! I had endured an incredibly traumatic experience early last year, and the knock on affects were profound. I've experienced, OCD, PSTD to being so stressed and lost that I was un-able to move. Sami has help me to release all negative and trapped emotions, thought behaviours and patterns that I had experienced after that period of my life. If anyone is suffering from any sort of trauma, or negative beliefs about oneself and their ability to be the best they can be in this life, then I would highly recommend getting in tough with Sami.

She is a miracle worker and is so kind, warm and loving. Her energy is safe and comforting and you can't help but feel that you're incredibly cared for. I hope this message finds anyone who is looking for help!

Especially in the belief system area! Although the Corona Virus is incredibly tough and daunting, this is an amazing opportunity to do some inward work, some soul searching and to opening up to love!

Thanks again Sami for all your amazing work and efforts and for being a continual support system for many amazing human beings out there!
Energy Healing Feedback
Aimee Hardwick

What's included?

During your immersion, Sami will compassionately hold you with Love No Matter What, creating space for your growth and transformation. She will intuitively lead you to a deeper connection to who YOU are, by seeing your most loving and creative self, your true dharma, beyond the world of struggle, disruption and chaos. 

All whilst holding you accountable for your own growth and transformation so you may experience your own shift in perception. 

In this safe container you will be held, heard, dissolve old thought forms, be free from those BS stories and self limiting beliefs, opening you up to experience more clarity and certainty in your next steps, less distractions with the little things allowing you to focus on the whole, trusting yourself and cultivating more loving, powerful and grounded relationships (personally and/or professionally).

As your consciousness expands you will develop a deep resonance with your wisdom and energy, exuding a sacred power and expressing your essence. This activates an experience in life that is heart centred, coherent, peaceful, abundant, omnipotent, joyous and loving.

New opportunities and infinite possibilities are waiting for you.

I invite you to unconditionally Love No Matter What! x

LOVING INVESTMENT - $4,500 3 Months

LOVING INVESTMENT - $8,000 6 Months

LOVING INVESTMENT - $15,500 12 Months

I had the privilege of witnessing Sami working on others, and life long belief systems in thought, emotion and physiology where shifted - completely, effortlessly and joyfully. I believe that Sami is here to work with people who, by loving and trusting in themselves fully, are here to effect BIG change not only in themselves, but those around them."
Gisele Feedback Energy Healing
Gisele Gambi
Intutive Coach
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